
The reason that the situation in Ukraine is not as expected in Russia is because the Ukrainian military and ordinary citizens are strongly resisting with one accord.

Correspondent Kim Soo-hyung in Washington interviewed former Ukrainian defense minister in an exclusive interview to hear how he views the current situation and concerns about the future.


Alina Florova, former Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, responded to a video interview with SBS in Kiiu, the capital of Ukraine, where Russian troops are still attacking.

For the past two years, starting in 2019, she has been the head of the Zelensky government's defense modernization strategy.

She inquired about the identity of the Russian military procession, which spanned several tens of kilometers, captured by satellite images near Kiiwu.

[Alina Florova / Former Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine: (What does this military procession mean?) (Russian Army) is trying to attack from various directions.

They are now trying to encircle (Kiiv).]

However, he said that many of these troops had lost their attack power in the Ukrainian counterattack.

[Alina Florova/Former Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine: Ukrainian forces have already captured or destroyed many Russian military equipment.]

Former Deputy Defense Minister Florova said that there was a serious problem within the Russian army.

[Alina Florova / Former Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine: The Russian army is definitely short of food.

Fuel ran out too.

Logistics are not being maintained as usual.

So as time goes on, we have an advantage.]

At the beginning of the war, they misjudged that Ukraine's surrender would be easy, and claimed that the Russian army suffered huge losses.

[Alina Florova / Former Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine: The Russian Army suffered a huge loss of troops.

It is the first such loss Russia has suffered since World War II.]

As the morale of the Russian military has fallen, the analysis appears to have turned to indiscriminate attacks on civilians.

[Alina Florova / Former Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine: The Russian Army is targeting (Ukraine) civilians.

It is a strategy to break our morale and make the white flag surrender.

But that will not happen.]

After Russia invaded Crimea in 2014, Ukraine has spurred its military modernization, he explained.

He also said that weapons supported by the United States and Europe are of great help.

[Alina Florova / Former Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine: We continue to receive equipment, weapons and missiles from Western countries.

At last, Europe and the world know that Ukraine is at the forefront.]

He pointed out that the Russian army, which had mainly dealt with the rebels, had underestimated the well-trained Ukrainian army.

[Alina Florova / Former Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine: The Russian military has mostly fought against civilians or rebels.

Because it is the first time facing the regular army, we are losing on the front line.]

However, I was concerned that President Putin, in a corner, would use nuclear weapons as the next step.

[Alina Florova / Former Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine: I think Putin could use nuclear weapons.

If that happens, it will be a completely different world.]

Watching the war in Ukraine, South Korea said that it would be good to learn such a lesson.

[Alina Florova

/ Former Vice Minister of Defense of Ukraine: I hope Koreans learn the lesson that they should always look around and be prepared to fight.]

(Video coverage: Oh Jeong-sik, video editing: Lee Seung-hee)


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