Making people live a happy life is the "bigger of the country".

  Following the footsteps of General Secretary Xi Jinping's investigation and investigation, a heart-warming picture centered on the people is slowly unfolding...

Medical reform to benefit the people

Education and prosperity

elderly care convenience

  From top-level deployment to grass-roots research, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always cared about the people, shared the same destiny with the people, and shared his heart with the people, showing his profound feelings for the people everywhere.

  Please watch the fourth episode of the "People's Jiangshan" series of micro-videos: sincere feelings.

  Seller: Sun Zhiping

  Producer: Fan Hua

  Coordination: Yang Yong, Jiang Haiying, Wang Zhibin

  Choreographer: Xu Ning

  Reporters: Mi Yingting, Lin Kai, Lang Bingbing, Ma Sha, Lin Kai, Qu Lanjuan, Zhang Kexin, Wang Xuhui (reporters)

  Packaging: Ouyang Jianjia

  Voice: Wang Shuailong

  Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

  Produced by Xinhua News Agency