It has been many years since he left Ukraine to study in Sweden.

He now lives with his family in Boden and before the invasion has followed the country's journey towards democracy and freedom.

Contact with family and friends in Ukraine takes place several times a day thanks to the satellite-based internet service Starlink, which billionaire Elon Musk provided to Ukraine.

- I have talked to my friends who lived a couple of hundred meters from the neighborhood with tall houses that were bombed with cluster bombs.

My friend was sitting in the basement right next door, he says.

Believe that the Russian people can stop Putin

The hope for the country remains, but right now there is a fear that the time for many lives is running out.

- I want to thank you Ukrainians who are resisting a terrible attack right now.

I want to thank you for saving the country, says Denys Rublenko.

The sanctions have so far not stopped the attack and the Bodensar believes that it is the people of Russia who can stop Putin.

- It is not possible to threaten Putin, he is unpredictable right now.

The people must be sanctioned so that they can make decisions for their future themselves.

This government should not exist, stop Putin - the government must resign.

And it should come from within.