Welcome to episode 200 of the FAZ objection podcast!

Helen Bubrowski

Political correspondent in Berlin.

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Corinna Budras

Business correspondent in Berlin.

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In our anniversary episode, we talk about the illegal war of aggression that has been raging in Ukraine since Thursday, and the reactions of the West, which have been sharper than ever.

The federal government has completed a 180-degree turnaround in foreign and security policy: Berlin is now not only supplying helmets, but also rocket-propelled grenades and Stinger rockets to the Ukrainian army.

Overall, Germany is getting ready to play an active role in world politics and is now investing 100 billion euros in upgrading the Bundeswehr.

We ask ourselves how this can actually be done legally without breaking the debt brake.

At the same time, Germany is trying to enforce a broadcast ban on the Russian propaganda broadcaster RT.

But this is met with considerable resistance - from the broadcaster itself and in Russia.

We talk to Hendrik Kafsack, Brussels correspondent for FAZ, about the EU's package of sanctions, in particular the partial exclusion of Russia from the Swift payment system, which was initially so controversial.

At the end we choose the fair verdict of the week again.

In view of world events, we don't feel like celebrating in the anniversary episode, but we want to take the opportunity to invite our listeners to take part in a survey: www.faz.net/einsprechen-200.

If you want, you can also take part in a competition.

The prize is an overnight stay in Berlin from June 13th to 14th in Berlin with a get-together with Corinna Budras & Helene Bubrowski.

We appreciate your participation!

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Please send feedback on the podcast to: einsprechenpodcast@faz.de

The topics of the program:

05:23: The turning point in German politics: arms deliveries and 100 billion euros

28:52: New impetus in EU refugee

policy 36:55: Council of Europe suspends Russia

43:13: Broadcasting ban on the Russian propaganda station RT

51 :30: Interview of the week with FAZ correspondent Hendrik Kafsack on the EU sanctions

01:16:57: The fair verdict of the week

Survey and competition for the anniversary series:

  • www.faz.net/einsprechen-200

Please send feedback on the podcast to:


  • https://www.faz.net/podcasts/faz-einsprechen-podcast/

Objection trial subscription:

  • https://faz.net/einsprechentesten

Applications for student employees


  • www.faz.net/bewerber

Interesting links on the topics covered in the episode:

  • https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/unternehmen/ukraine-krieg-ruestungsconcerne-profitieren-von-military-expenditures-17844164.html?premium

  • https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/ukraine-krieg-wie-kann-man-die-bundeswehr-equipped-verbessern-17844123.html?premium

  • https://verfassungsblog.de/will-germany-through-weapons-deliveries-an-die-ukraine-to-conflict-party/