Text / Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zhang Hua correspondent Wu Xiaodan

  In our country, about 27.8 million people's lives seem to have been pressed on the mute button. Hearing damage caused by various reasons has plunged them into a silent world.

Zhang Hongzheng, chief physician of the Ear, Nose and Throat Center of Pearl River Hospital of Southern Medical University, told reporters that the incidence of neonatal hearing loss is about 1‰ to 3‰. Therefore, for neonatal hearing loss, we should achieve early detection, early diagnosis and early intervention.

Experts are also calling on the public to undergo genetic testing for deafness during marriage.

  The incidence of congenital hearing impairment is 1‰-3‰

  According to statistics from the World Health Organization, patients with obvious hearing impairment account for more than 7% of the total population in the world.

Professor Zhang Hongzheng pointed out: "Theoretically, these people are all potential targets for treatment. In my country, the incidence of congenital hearing impairment is 1‰-3‰."

  According to the reporter's understanding, the initial hearing screening (otoacoustic emission) should be carried out 3 days after the birth of the newborn. If it fails or is suspicious, it needs to be re-screened 42 days after birth; if it fails, a diagnostic test will be carried out at 3 months ( otoacoustic emissions, auditory brainstem responses, etc.).

  Zhang Hongzheng believes that if congenital deafness is diagnosed, hearing aids or cochlear implants can be fitted as soon as possible; if delayed deafness is found, life guidance, such as avoiding head trauma, avoiding strenuous exercise and preventing colds, can avoid or delay the occurrence of deafness ; If drug-induced deafness is found, ototoxic drugs such as aminoglycoside antibiotics (gentamicin, streptomycin, etc.) should be banned for life, and drug-induced deafness should be prevented in family members.

  At the same time, experts also call on both spouses to screen for deafness gene carriers, conduct deafness genetic counseling and later marriage and childbirth guidance, and prenatal genetic diagnosis to reduce rebirth of deaf children.

  Severely deaf children can apply for funding for cochlear implants

  At present, hundreds or even thousands of deaf children need treatment every year in Guangdong Province. Some deaf children need cochlear implants to restore their hearing. However, due to limited family conditions, they cannot afford the cost of surgery.

According to the reporter's understanding, the price of cochlear implants ranges from 50,000 to 150,000 yuan.

At present, with the increasing popularity of hearing screening in my country, more and more hearing-impaired families can use cochlear implants to solve the problem of hearing-impaired children through medical insurance and various charitable funds.

However, even so, there are still some hearing-impaired people who lost the opportunity for surgical treatment.

  To this end, Zhujiang Hospital has established the "Voice Seeker" public welfare assistance project, which is aimed at children and adolescents with severe or above sensorineural hearing loss from low-income families who need cochlear implantation. Each applicant will receive 3 10,000 yuan subsidized, mainly used for cochlear implant surgery costs during patient treatment.

  Zhang Hongzheng introduced that patients can apply for funding through the hospital website or by consulting relevant experts in the pediatric outpatient clinic.

Experts will evaluate whether the patient's condition meets the medical indications for cochlear implantation and whether it meets the project funding standards, and submit a fund allocation notice and relevant information to the Guangdong Public Welfare Foundation for Orphans and Orphans.

  【Tips】The deafness genetic test is suitable for the population

  1. People with various unexplained deafness;

  2. There are normal hearing people with unexplained or definite hereditary deafness in the family, and test whether they are carriers of defective genes;

  3. It is recommended to carry out premarital examinations for people with normal hearing who have unexplained deafness in the family;

  4. Prenatal genetic diagnosis of deafness is recommended for those who have given birth to a deaf offspring;

  5. People whose illness requires the use of aminoglycoside antibiotics;

  6. Deaf patients before marriage or childbirth.