olf Mützenich (SPD) must be quite dizzy, he has turned around so often in the past few days.

Olaf Scholz (SPD) will feel the same after the decision to separate Russia from the SWIFT transfer system.

The European nations have just been charged, a) that hurts us too, and b) that has to be reserved for a further escalation level.

As if the willingness to accept considerable disadvantages were not the decisive sign of the seriousness of a sanction.

And as if you could watch this war for a few days and then follow up with tougher sanctions.

The audience was then allowed to choose which of the two motives was the honest one.

However, the Federal Chancellor will not have too much in his head,

because he has already practiced the sudden about-face with subsequent self-relativization with compulsory vaccination;

with similar losses of credibility.

Meanwhile, Manuela Schwesig (SPD) suspects that by illuminating Schwerin Castle in the Ukrainian colors, she can make people forget her long-standing community of interest with Putin;

one of the most tasteless actions of the last few days.

What the swift twist and turn has in common is how unconcerned it is about the external impression of politics.

The events will be remembered not only in Ukraine.

However, there seems to be little point in the fact that, in relation to dictatorships in particular, not only factual issues but also issues of political dignity are raised.

The back and forth is often explained with a situation that has just changed, as if political decisions were conditional reflexes on impulses coming from outside.

The information that you see things completely differently today than yesterday is not proof of a willingness to learn, but of opportunism, especially when the times "yesterday" and "today" are not to be taken metaphorically but literally.

He likes to talk his way out of the division of labor society.

The sport is not political, so let's go to China and Qatar.

The Russian railways and the Russian oil companies have not been political until now, so feel free to stay on the boards.

The gas pipeline was also an entirely private enterprise.

In general, the trade and the banks, completely apolitical.

Consequently, Switzerland is Putin's last ally in Europe.

One almost wants to say: After all, Switzerland doesn't revolve, it's always been like this, you know where you stand with it.

You can't say the same about German politics.