When SVT Nyheter reaches Andriy at 20 o'clock, Swedish time, he had recently heard a plane alarm, but decided not to go to the nearest shelter.

- I feel that I have to talk to the world, he says and continues:

- I'm pretty scared, you do not know when or where it will break out next time.

My area was hit by a rocket last night.

"Very intense"

The sound of fighting in his area during the evening is the worst since the beginning of the invasion, according to him.

- It was very intense a while ago with sounds of what I think are automatic weapons and explosions, but now it has calmed down a bit, says Andriy.

Andriy managed to buy food and other necessities before dark, but adds:

- I will soon run out of tobacco.

But it is harmful, so maybe this is a good opportunity to stop, he says.