
Voters living abroad started voting today (23rd), two weeks before the presidential election.

Overseas voting can be done in all 115 countries, and from the first day, people have been coming to exercise one precious vote.

Correspondent Song Wook from Beijing covered the story.

<Reporter> About

30 people get off the bus in front of the Korean Embassy in Beijing, China.

They are Koreans from Tianjin, 140 km away, for the overseas presidential election.

[Nam Myung-hee / Overseas Korean living in Tianjin, China: Due to the Corona situation, PCR test was also required, and it was a difficult road that took about 3 hours, but because it is an important vote for us to elect our president…


More than 29,800 voters have applied to vote in China.

I also exercised my vote through the overseas absentee report.

At 219 polling places installed in 115 countries around the world, voters have been pouring in from the first day.

[Cho Young-hoon / Overseas Koreans residing in Japan: I came to vote with the hope that Japan and Korea would get along better.]

A total of 226,000 voters registered for this overseas election.

The number decreased by more than 68,000 compared to the 2017 19th presidential election.

Due to the spread of Corona 19, the number of foreign residents has greatly decreased, and it was also affected by the fact that it was not easy to move to the polling place.

Although there is some objection to this election, which is called the unfavorable presidential election, voters who came to the polling place gave precious meaning to one vote.

[Najin Choi / Overseas citizen living in Beijing, China: I honestly didn't know who to vote for, so I thought about not coming, but I hope that my one vote will help...


Overseas referendums, including dispatched soldiers, will be held for six days until the 28th, and elections have been suspended in Ukraine, where the risk of war has risen.

(Video coverage: Choi Deok-hyun, video editing: Kim Jin-won)