“A trip to the sea should be abandoned first of all by patients who have suffered a severe and extremely severe course of COVID-19,” Konstantinov is sure. 

However, according to him, even those who have been ill in a mild form are not recommended to go to the sea for a month after recovery.

“After any infectious disease, including a new coronavirus infection, post-infectious asthenia is observed within two to three weeks.

During this period, the body needs supportive, strengthening therapy.

Excessive insolation is harmful to any organism;

for one that is recovering from the coronavirus, even more so, ”considers Konstantinov.

Post-covid syndrome has long-term pathological manifestations that persist for three or more months after a new coronavirus infection, the expert recalled.

“Vascular and vasculitic manifestations on the skin, skin reactions, shortness of breath, and heaviness behind the sternum are of great danger.

There may be risks associated with the exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, which can also spoil the rest ... Patients without concomitant diseases who have had mild or moderate COVID-19 need timely rehabilitation.

The decision must be made individually, taking into account age, the presence of chronic diseases, health and mood, ”said Konstantinov.

Earlier, biophysicist Andrei Lomonosov said that taking vitamin C in a large dosage with coronavirus does not have a positive effect on the rate of recovery from coronavirus infection.