Text/Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zhang Hua correspondent Huang Yuexing

  After entering the spring, the wind is the main energy. "Wind is the longevity of all diseases, and its nature is light and open." In addition, the weather in Guangdong has changed recently and the air is humid. It is the season of high incidence of colds, especially for infants and the elderly. The weak and chronically ill are the majority.

  Prevent cold and expel wind and dampness in spring

  "Colds are caused by the six evils (wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness and fire) and viruses that invade the human body. Wind is the longevity of all diseases, but in different seasons, the evils of the season often invade the human body. There are many wind evils and dryness evils in autumn." Deng Cong, chief Chinese medicine physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Nansha Hospital of Guangzhou First People's Hospital, introduced.

  In spring, the temperature rises and it is windy. Therefore, most common colds in spring are wind pathogenic colds.

Deng Cong said: "Because Guangzhou is subtropical, humid and rainy, it is easy to get rid of damp pathogens. When expelling wind pathogens, we must pay attention to eliminating damp pathogens."

  The clothes should be thick and thin, go to bed late and get up early

  Deng Cong believes that in order to help the spring sun rise, it is advisable to "lie down at night and get up early, walk widely in the courtyard, and relax the hair." Served as a propaganda, it conforms to the spring qi of liver and wood to grow hair and hair, so as to ward off evil spirits.

  At the same time, pay attention to rest and avoid staying up late.

"Sufficient sleep can nourish the yin and blood of the liver, so that the function of the liver is normal, the qi mechanism is smooth, and the qi and blood are in harmony." Deng Cong said.

  In spring, when it's still warm and cold, it's better to cover it up.

Deng Cong believes that there is a degree of change in clothes, and the clothes should be thicker and thinner.

  In terms of diet, we should follow the principle of "in the spring, the taste should be reduced sour and sweet, so as to nourish the spleen", eat less sour food, and eat more sweet food to nourish the spleen, such as spring bamboo shoots, asparagus, jujube, coix seed , yam, lentils, Poria, etc.

It is also not suitable to eat spicy and warm things, such as ginseng, deer antler, mutton, etc., so as not to help heat and create fire.

And eat less raw and cold, so as not to damage the spleen and stomach.

  Recommended diet: Coriander Salted Lam Fish Fillet Soup

  Material: 50 grams of coriander, 10 salted olives, 200 grams of carp meat.

  Method: Put an appropriate amount of water and salted olives in a clay pot, first boil it over high heat until the water boils, then add coriander and squid slices, continue to boil over medium heat for about 30 minutes, you can drink without adding salt.

  Efficacy: It has the functions of relieving rash, clearing heat and sore throat, and can be used to prevent colds.

If you have a cold or flu, accompanied by fever, headache, and throat discomfort, it can be used as a dietary therapy.

  TIPS: Principles of eating when you have a cold


  1. Sweets: Whether it is high-sugar fruits or desserts, fasting during a cold.

Sweets will not only increase the viscosity of phlegm and increase the amount of phlegm, but also cause abdominal distension and suppress appetite.

  2. Frozen and fatty foods: These foods will damage the function of the spleen and stomach.

  3. Spicy food: irritating food such as chili will make the fragile gastrointestinal function more disturbed, and even lead to the risk of nausea and vomiting.


  1. It is better to have a light semi-liquid diet or soft food with low salt and less oil, and eat a small amount of food, such as light porridge and soup.

The food is relatively light and not too greasy, which is good for digestion and absorption.

  2. Eat more fresh vegetables or fruits when you have a cold to supplement minerals.

Such as white radish, the carotene in radish has a certain effect on preventing colds and relieving symptoms such as excessive phlegm during colds.

Common fruits such as apples and pears can be used.

  3. Drink more water.