Manon Fossat 1:57 p.m., February 21, 2022

On Europe Matin Monday, the candidate of the French Communist Party (PCF) in the presidential election, Fabien Roussel, returned to the missing sponsorships for certain candidates.

If he assured wish "that all the forces of the left are present in this election", he affirmed that he "would do everything" so that there is no communist signature for the far right.

According to a new count from the Constitutional Council published last week, some candidates for the presidential election have still not obtained the sufficient number of sponsorships.

Among others, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Eric Zemmour or the candidate of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen.

Invited to Europe Matin on Monday, the candidate of the Communist Party (PCF) for the presidential election, Fabien Roussel affirmed that "if some people cannot get them, it is because they have a problem" and said in accordance with the current system. 

The assurance "that there are no adventurers in the presidential election"

"First, the constitutional rules require that each candidate succeed in obtaining 500 sponsorships from the 40,000 local elected officials. 500 out of 40,000... If some can't get them, it's because they have a problem with the Republic and that they cannot convince. This rule which is put in place by the Constitutional Council aims to ensure that there are no adventurers who present themselves for this presidential election either", he asserted. 

>> Find the interview every morning at 8:13 a.m. on Europe 1 as well as in replay and podcast here

"There are about ten days of memory left to seek sponsorships and I am sure that they will find the solutions... I discovered that among the sponsorships that I received there are many sponsorships from mayors, mayors rural communities that I did not know, who chose to sponsor me. Without labels, they found themselves in the comments that I was able to make, on rurality, on the support of France, the support that I door to the communes and therefore they encouraged my candidacy by supporting me", he continued.

Intransigent against the far right

Asked about David Lisnard's sponsorship of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and whether or not he would ask PCF elected officials to sponsor other candidates, Fabien Roussel continued: "I will answer this question at the end of this week and we'll see where Jean-Luc Mélenchon will be at that time. I'm waiting for Tuesday evening or Thursday evening. But I don't believe in the fact that he doesn't have the sponsorships, "he said before to justify: "I hope that all the forces of the left are present in this election, and I hope that in the second round, we can succeed in forming a majority."


- Will Eric Zemmour get his 500 sponsorships?

"I'm not sure," he says.

However, he assured that he would do everything so that there is no communist signature in favor of the far right.

"I have always considered the extreme right as a threat to the Republic. I have proposed a law requiring the ineligibility of those who are convicted of having made racist and anti-Semitic remarks. I will be intransigent on this fight in favor of the Republic and to prevent the extreme right from getting their hands on our country", he assured before deciding.

"I will do everything so that in any case from my home, there is no signature in the direction of the far right. Do you realize the danger they represent?", Launched Fabien Roussel before quoting in particular Eric Zemmour.