
Can emotional instability cause internal injuries?

it is true.

Abnormal changes in our emotions can be "linked" with the health of our internal organs.

Come and see what's going on here.

  These factors affect our emotions

  Chinese medicine often refers to the seven emotions, usually referring to the seven different emotional states of joy, anger, worry, sadness, fear, and fear.

The internal injury of the seven emotions refers to the disturbance of the functions of the viscera and essence due to the abnormal changes of these emotions.

  The factors that cause abnormal changes in the seven emotions usually include social factors, such as family changes, interpersonal relationships, etc.; pathological factors, such as the lack of qi and blood in the five viscera and six viscera: As mentioned in the "Huangdi Neijing", "If the heart is qi deficiency, you will be sad, but in fact you will laugh endlessly." , which means that when the heart is deficient, people are prone to sad emotions;

  In addition, environmental factors, such as the change of the four seasons, and geographical changes will also affect people's emotions.

The ancients often said "sad spring and sad autumn" is that with the change of seasons, the human body's emotions are also affected accordingly.

Clinically, we can find that the incidence of depression increases in autumn and winter.

Then there are individual differences, that is, factors such as personality and age that modern medicine is very concerned about.

  happy heart insomnia forgetful uneasy

  Joy is an emotion that represents joy, positivity, and upliftment.

Joy slows down Qi and relieves nervous emotions. During normal joy, Qi and blood run faster, and the complexion is ruddy, which makes people feel comfortable and harmonious, so that work and study are more efficient, and life is more harmonious and happy.

  The heart is open to the tongue, and the small intestine is connected to the outside and inside. When we are happy, we will talk endlessly and have a big appetite.

However, excessive joy will damage the heart, which may lead to insomnia, forgetfulness, palpitations, and fatigue.

Fan Jinzhong cites a typical example of hurting the heart and slackening qi.

  Anger, Liver, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Breast Pain

  Anger is a normal human physiological manifestation, and anger has both positive and negative effects on our bodies.

Proper anger can express emotions, inspire fighting spirit, and eliminate tension.

For example, a soldier will arouse anger before going to the battlefield, and it will turn into a huge fighting force in the battle.

  But excessive anger can also harm the body, causing depression, flushing, dizziness, tinnitus, breast tenderness, bitter mouth, and even unconsciousness.

Zhou Yu of Zhuge Liang's three angers in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a typical example. Zhou Yu died of anger and old injuries.

  Thinking hurts the spleen, abdominal distension, loose stools, difficult to transport

  The emotional activity of thinking is mainly expressed through the spleen.

Chinese medicine believes that thinking causes qi stagnation, and excessive thinking will lead to loss of appetite and tasteless food.

Because the spleen has the function of governing blood, some women may experience menstrual disorders due to excessive stress or overthinking.

  At the same time, the spleen governs the transportation and transformation, and the impaired transportation and transformation function can cause abdominal distention and loose stools clinically. Over time, the qi and blood cannot be transported and transformed, and the mind cannot be nourished, resulting in symptoms such as palpitations, forgetfulness, insomnia and dreaminess.

  In addition, excessive thinking can lead to depression, decreased ability to think and understand problems, less language, listlessness, sighing, helplessness, insomnia, dizziness, chest tightness, heart palpitations, and decreased appetite.

  Sadness hurts the lungs, chest tightness, shortness of breath, lack of energy

  Grief refers to people's emotional reactions when something they love is lost and their wishes are not fulfilled.

Mild and short-lived sadness is a normal emotional outlet and will not harm health; however, excessive grief will deplete lung qi, just like we feel fatigued every time we cry, this is a part of lung qi. kind of loss.

  The lungs belong to metal, and the main propaganda is to send down and surrender. When people face the future, love, and fate, they cannot grasp and feel worried and sad. Clinically, they can see chest tightness, shortness of breath, lack of energy, and pale complexion.

Excessive sadness and sadness will lead to symptoms such as depression, pessimism, world-weariness, social avoidance, and fatigue.

Sadness and crying too much can lead to hoarseness, shortness of breath, and increased facial wrinkles because the lungs control the fur.

  Lin Daiyu in "A Dream of Red Mansions" died of lung disease because of excessive grief and grief.

  Fear easily hurts the kidneys, backache, frequent urination, dark complexion

  Panic is a manifestation of fear or timidity when people feel their safety is threatened and their spirits are highly stressed.

  Kidneys belong to water, govern qi, and govern the opening and closing of urine and urine.

It may be directly related to the kidneys.

In real life, we always hear "I was so scared that I peeed my pants." It is precisely because when a person is too scared, his kidney qi will dissipate, and the kidney's fixing function will become worse, which will lead to secondary symptoms. incontinence.

The kidneys are innate, and staying up late, overworked, and drinking too much tea will damage the kidneys.

Appears dark complexion, frequent urination, backache, diarrhea at dawn, etc.

  All of the above abnormal manifestations can be classified into the category of emotional pathogenesis in traditional Chinese medicine.

Due to abnormal changes in emotions, the functions of the internal organs are disturbed, and traditional Chinese medicine can also be used to rebalance the qi, blood, yin and yang of the internal organs, and restore the health of the body and mind.

  Text / Guo Yumeng (Beijing Anding Hospital)