The writer and millionaire Philip J. Muller says that achieving the dream of getting rich requires 3 things: the right mindset and the right thinking about getting rich, then conscious consumption, and finally starting to save.

The American Insider website published an article by writers Daniel Sasser and Nathan Reynolds, in which they gave many tips for ordinary people, which should benefit them in becoming rich and rich, quoting from Philip J. Muller's book, entitled "Geldrichtig".

The two writers say that Muller asserts that the only thing that prevents a person from being a millionaire is the private perception of millionaires, noting that if anyone wants to become rich, he must think like the rich, because the reality of the rich is different from what stories and movies tell about getting rich quick.

Muller explained in his book, according to what the authors reported, that the basis of the true millionaire's mentality is a culture of conscious consumption, meaning that he only buys what he really wants to buy, and buys it at the cheapest possible price, indicating that saving, avoiding debts and controlling spending motives are some of the steps that drive The person to possess the mentality of a real millionaire.

The two writers quoted Muller from a number of tips he gave in his book in order to help people in general achieve their dreams of wealth and material wealth:

Experts stress the need to get used to saving and apply it at all times in order to become rich (Reuters)

Saving is necessary

The authors say that Mueller's first advice was about the necessity of saving, as he stressed the need to get used to saving and apply it at all times in order to become rich.

On this point, Muller adds that adopting the savings policy at all times may result in some problems when implementing it, for example, adopting this policy will result in stopping eating outside, drinking coffee in a cafe, or canceling some subscriptions to entertainment sites such as “Netflix.” and Spotify.

Avoid debt

Muller's second advice is to avoid any kind of debt, which is the rule corresponding to saving, and is based mainly on avoiding the purchase of what cannot be paid for, explaining that many debts are nothing but money paid for temporary pleasures.

He pointed out that this approach to behavior will, with time, become fixed and automatic for those who practice it.

Don't bury your head in the sand

The two writers continue with Mueller, as he says in his third advice, “If you have debts, do not bury your head in the sand,” noting that before looking for quick solutions to pay off debts, you must wait and evaluate the situation completely, because a person can arrange new debts on his shoulders in way to pay off old debts.

Muller advises in this regard to create a special diary to write down all the debts owed by the person, and then arrange them according to what is required each month and for each creditor, and then the person will know in the end the period in which he will pay all his debts, stressing the need for one to divide his money into two halves, half To pay off debts and the other to save, because this is the best way to achieve the dream of getting rich.

Experts advise creating a special notebook to write down all the debts owed by the person and arrange them as required (Shutterstock)

Communicate with creditors

Muller offers other advice related to debt, according to what the two writers said. He says that he advises that a person anticipate his creditors, so he communicates with them first-hand, and that communication be honest and frank, noting that if the debtor cannot pay the debt, he must contact the owner of the money before he contacts him He asks about his money, and that he discloses his financial situation to him in all honesty, because the creditor in this case often either extends the payment term or waives part of the money or interest.

Consciously consume

In his fifth advice, Muller says - according to what the two writers convey - that in order for a person to possess the mentality of a millionaire, he must avoid being influenced by the false image of a millionaire promoted by the media, as he depicts him owning an expensive car, or a watch with hundreds of thousands of dollars, stressing that getting rid of this Mindset and dependence on a mindful consumption mindset is the path to financial freedom and then to wealth.

Self-control when spending

The sixth advice talks about purchasing and consumer behavior. According to what the two writers quoted from Muller, the person must enjoy self-control and resist the temptations that are presented to him and make him spend his money without account, indicating that the temptations differ from one person to another.

"If you can't control yourself while shopping, don't walk around all the stores, and if online shopping is your way, you can control apps to temporarily block your access to online stores," he says.

In the end, Muller adds that alternatives must be sought for what he called reckless solutions adorned by temptation;

For example: try to fix your phone that doesn't work and make sure it can't be fixed, and find a used replacement that you buy or borrow instead of spending money on a new phone.