Democratic presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung, at a rally today (17th), criticized "Ex-President Park Geun-hye is enough" and repeatedly emphasized the slogan of 'a competent economic president'.

Candidate Jae-myung Lee said at a campaign held at Wangsimni Station Square in Seongdong-gu, Seoul this afternoon, saying, "In a complex world, great powers compete and interests collide."

Candidate Lee emphasized, "President Park Geun-hye is sufficient for her incompetence and incompetence," adding, "If (the president) does not know about state affairs, the country will be in chaos."

He said, "Now, we must not become an incompetent country where state affairs are ruled by non-election again," he said.

It is interpreted that the concern was aimed at the relatively low level of understanding of presidential candidate Yoon Seok-yeol of People's Power.

There were also words aimed at the remarks of Candidate Yoon's 'examination of corruption in the former government'.

Candidate Lee also said, "Even though I represent one side during the election, when the election is over, I will become a unified president representing all without dividing national opinion." not," he said.

In addition, at a campaign in Wangsimni Station Square today, Candidate Lee promised to provide a 'grand amnesty for credit' for small business owners and self-employed people who are having difficulties due to quarantine measures.

Candidate Lee also said, "We will introduce a Korean-style payroll program (PPP) system to support labor costs and rent," he said.

(Photo = National Assembly Photo Reporters, Yonhap News)