Christophe Hondelatte SEASON 2021 - 202206:00 a.m., February 16, 2022

Nearly 800 stories have already been the subject of an episode in "Hondelatte Raconte".

It's a lot and a little at the same time.

Because alongside all those that exist today, there are all those that Christophe Hondelatte and his team have not told.

Why are certain stories discarded?

What are they more difficult than the others?

The answer with Nicolas Loupien, the editor-in-chief of Hondelatte Raconte.

"Behind the scenes of Hondelatte Tells" is a Europe 1 Studio podcast

Presentation: Christophe Hondelatte

Producer: Fannie Rascle 

Directed by: Matthieu Blaise and Christophe Daviaud 

Broadcaster: Eloise Bertil

Graphics: Sidonie Mangin