Nicolas Carreau 10:03 a.m., February 16, 2022

In a report published on Tuesday, the Immortals point to the various threats to the future of the French language.

Among them: the intrusion of English words into our daily lives.

The situation is alarming for the Academy, which also points to a destructuring of the grammar.

There are "French days" in certain stores, Air France and its "Sky Team" or Renault and its "easy drive" system... Franglais continues to grow in France.

A mixture of the two languages ​​which worries the French Academy.

In a report published on Tuesday, the Immortals fear a social and generational divide.

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According to a survey by the Research Center for the Study and Observation of Living Conditions (Credoc), 47% of French people would be annoyed by slogans made up of English words.

After tackling the translation into English of the national identity card, the French Academy warns of a "cultural danger" in the words of academician Daniel Rondeau: "Everything is linked: our literature, our culture , our history. The French language combines both the taste for words and the choice of freedom. We must not give up this fight, because it would be giving up an essential part of ourselves", he explains. .

The Academy report also points to a destructuring of grammar and a loss of bearings.

In Le Figaro, Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, the perpetual secretary of the Academy is worried about the massive influx of "linguistic chimeras".

Words that are neither English nor French, which would harm the future of our language.