Gauthier Delomez 6:21 p.m., February 16, 2022

Popular with athletes, and practiced by many French people daily, the push-up exercise remains a delicate activity, which requires adopting good practices to be effective.

On the program "Bienfait pour vous", coach Anouk Garnier explains how to do push-ups well and gives some tips for doing so.

It is the most complete exercise to work the upper body, according to Anouk Garnier.

Doing push-ups also helps to develop the abdominals.

"You need a very good cladding and strong abs to do push-ups that are effective," explains Anouk Garnier.

The sports coach details in the program

Bienfait pour vous

, the right method to practice this exercise that many French people repeat daily.

>> Find all the programs of Mélanie Gomez and Julia Vignali from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Europe 1 in replay and podcast here

Place elbows at 45 degrees

Anouk Garnier first insists on the placement of the elbows.

"For it to be effective and safe, the elbows must be at 45 degrees, not too tight or too far apart," says the sports coach on Europe 1. If the elbows are too far apart, the professional athlete points out that he there is a risk for the shoulders in the short and medium term.

First activate the latissimus dorsi muscle

The trainer then delivers a trick to activate a muscle, the latissimus dorsi.

"It's the most powerful part of the upper body," she insists, "it also stabilizes the scapula, which will protect the shoulder in the push-up movement."

To do this, Anouk Garnier indicates: "We put our hand under the armpit. We imagine that we are holding something in the other hand, that we squeeze hard, we turn the little finger down and we lowers the shoulder. Something has to swell, activate, it's the latissimus dorsi."


- This quick exercise lets you know if you are in good physical condition

Putting your hands on the ground and imagining that you are pushing them

The sports coach returns to the push-ups.

“You have to try to put your hands on the ground, and imagine that you want to push them down to find this activation”, explains Anouk Garnier in

Bienfait pour vous

, before adding: “If you this activation before doing the push-up, it's going to get you to safety, and you put your elbows at 45 degrees."

The shoulders must be before the hands

The second thing concerns the shoulders.

"They have to be in front of the hands," continues the athlete.

"Often, with fatigue, we step back, we tend to lift our buttocks and find ourselves in a pyramid. The shoulders take a lot of load, and we are not efficient", she concedes on Europe 1.

Up and down in one block

Finally, "you have to maintain the plank".

"You have to move (up and down) your shoulders and your buttocks in one block", continues Anouk Garnier, adding that you should not make "small waves".