It's still hard to believe that Volker Bouffier is stepping down.

This is also the result of a long time in the office of the Hessian Prime Minister.

After the suicide of finance minister Thomas Schäfer, no successor really came up.

This also applies to Minister of Education Lorz, who has now thrown his hat into the ring.

In his office, it was more likely to lose than win in the Corona crisis.

Even Interior Minister Beuth has not always cut a happy figure in various police affairs.

On the other hand, the President of the State Parliament Rhein could hardly make any mistakes in office – but he could not set any particular accents either.

Nothing works without the Greens

And Bouffier?

He is conducting talks in the background in order to present an "amicable" solution soon.

Since the office of head of government and state chairman should remain in one hand, a majority in the CDU must first be found.

She wants to be organized.

And no one knows the party as well as Bouffier, who was once set up by Roland Koch as his successor.

The CDU provides the Prime Minister, but nothing works in the state parliament without the Green coalition partner.

Here, too, Bouffier will ensure that the change of power proceeds as quietly as the previous government with a narrow majority.

But this process is only just beginning.

The registration deadline is not yet.