
Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting with German Chancellor Scholz that Russia does not want war.

The situation in Ukraine is entering a new phase, with the Russian military also announcing that it has withdrawn some troops from the Ukrainian border. 

Correspondent Won Jong-jin.

<Reporter> The

Russian military announced yesterday (15th) that some troops had withdrawn from the Ukrainian border region and the Crimean peninsula.

It is the first time Russia has announced a reduction in its military forces on the Ukrainian border after the possibility of a Russian invasion of Ukraine was raised.

President Putin also expressed his intention to talk directly.

During a meeting with German Chancellor Scholz, who visited Moscow, Putin said Russia does not want war and that security negotiations with the West will continue.

[Vladimir Putin/President of Russia: Do we want war or not?

Of course you don't want it.

That's why we made the proposal to start negotiations.]

Tensions in Ukraine are not easing.

There have also been reports of some politicians and businessmen fleeing abroad in Ukraine.

The Korean government said that about 50 of the Ukrainian citizens have expressed their intention to remain and are taking safety measures, such as persuading them to evacuate or withdraw.