Foreign Minister Hayashi said in an online economic talks with Russia's Minister of Economic Development Reshetnikov that he was watching the situation in Ukraine with great concern, and eased tensions and pursued a diplomatic solution. I asked you to do it.

On the 15th, Japan and Russia held an online meeting to discuss trade and economic cooperation, attended by Foreign Minister Hayashi from the Japanese side and Minister of Economic Development Leshetnikov from the Russian side.

In this, Foreign Minister Hayashi stated that he was paying close attention to the situation in Ukraine, where tensions continued, and called for alleviating tensions and pursuing a diplomatic solution.

On the other hand, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there was no statement from Minister of Economic Development Reshetnikov.

Meanwhile, at the meeting, Minister Hayashi called for continued dialogue so that cooperation in the economic field between Japan and Russia would lead to the development of relations, including negotiations on a peace treaty between the two countries, while Minister of Economic Development Reshetnikov also. He said that the economic relations between the two countries are progressing even in the case of the corona, and expressed his intention to further cooperate.