China News Service, Shanghai, February 14 (Chen Jingzhongxuan) Surgery is the main treatment method for radical thyroid cancer, but it has always been a difficult problem in the medical community to protect and repair the relevant important nerves as much as possible when the tumor is radically cured.

The reporter learned on the 14th that Chinese experts independently designed a new surgical method, which effectively solved the shortcomings and limitations of traditional repair surgery.

According to reports, in this recurrent laryngeal nerve repair operation, Chinese experts innovatively solve the problem by "rerouting".

  The team led by Professor Ji Qinghai and Professor Wang Yulong from Head and Neck Surgery of Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital was published as a cover article in the International Federation of Head and Neck Cancer Societies (IFHNOS) and the official journal of the International School of Oral Oncology "Head & Neck". learn and communicate.

For the new surgical method designed by Chinese scholars, Professor Holsinger, Director of Head and Neck Surgery of Stanford University, Professor Fang Jugao, Vice Chairman of Head and Neck Cancer Special Committee of China Anti-Cancer Association, Director of Head and Neck Surgery of Beijing Tongren Hospital and other experts and scholars praised the new surgical method in an interview. The originality and practicality of the technique.

  The recurrent laryngeal nerve is an important nerve in the human body that controls the movement of the vocal cords.

Unilateral loss of function of the recurrent laryngeal nerve can cause hoarseness and choking on drinking water; bilateral loss of function can cause dyspnea, dysphonia, and eating disorders.

Recurrent laryngeal nerve protection has always been in thyroid cancer surgery, and every surgeon must be careful, careful, and careful.

  It is understood that the number of thyroid cancer surgeries performed by Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital ranks among the top in China.

In 2021, the hospital will perform 7,600 thyroid cancer operations, including a large number of patients with advanced stage and reoperations.

Professor Wang Yulong of the head and neck surgery department of the hospital explained that in order to completely remove the tumor, the surgeon needs to perform segmental resection of the involved recurrent laryngeal nerve.

Professor Ji Qinghai of the head and neck surgery department of the hospital bluntly stated in an interview that at present, there are three traditional repair procedures after segmental resection of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, each with its own limitations.

Professor Wang Yulong of the hospital said that these methods are widely used in clinical practice, and doctors have been exploring new surgical methods to solve related problems.

It is reported that after summarizing the clinical experience of a large number of complex thyroid cancer operations, Professor Ji Qinghai and Professor Wang Yulong innovatively designed the surgical method: by directly severing the recurrent laryngeal nerve, retrograde dissection from the lower part of the brachiocephalic trunk to the vagus nerve; Laryngeal recurrent laryngeal nerve anastomosis.

  Professor Ji Qinghai explained in layman's terms: "We can think of nerves as wires. The starting point is A, the throat is like a light bulb, and the end point is C. The throat can only function when it is electrified. The traditional method is to find other wires to bridge, or connect another wire from another room. This will affect the power supply of other rooms. Our method is to directly make the existing wires no longer bypass point B, and directly connect to point C to complete the AC power supply. Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital told reporters, At present, dozens of patients have benefited from this new surgical method, and their hoarseness has recovered to varying degrees within half a year. (End)