As raw material costs rise due to soaring crude oil prices, the government and economic organizations will hold online meetings to strengthen efforts so that small and medium-sized enterprises that receive business orders from large companies can appropriately pass them on to transaction prices. I confirmed that.

The online meeting was attended by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yamagiwa and Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hagita from the government, and Chairman Tokura of Keidanren and Chairman Mimura of the Japan Business Federation from economic organizations.

In September of last year, which the government positioned as "Price Negotiation Promotion Month," a survey of 40,000 small and medium-sized enterprises was conducted to see if the increase in raw material costs could be passed on to the transaction price. He explained that 20% answered "I couldn't do it at all".

Then, at the meeting, next month will be repositioned as "Price Negotiation Promotion Month", and small and medium-sized enterprises that receive business orders from large enterprises will appropriately pass it on to the transaction price by holding seminars and conducting educational activities through industry groups. We have confirmed that we will strengthen our efforts so that we can do so.