Former Prime Minister Abe of the Liberal Democratic Party should stick to the government's goal of turning the "primary balance" into the black in 2025, saying that efforts should be made while looking at the employment and economic conditions. Showed the recognition that there is not.

Former Prime Minister Abe gave a lecture at a meeting held on the 9th by a newly established parliamentary federation with the participation of about 50 young members of the Liberal Democratic Party to support active fiscal mobilization.

In this, Mr. Abe commented on the efforts for fiscal consolidation, "Is the fiscal policy firmly working on the employment policy rather than judging whether the fiscal policy is sound or not by looking at the primary balance = primary balance? Shouldn't we judge by looking at the state of inflation and interest rates? "

He added, "Financial soundness is impossible under deflation. We should not set a goal to turn the primary balance into the black on a calendar basis." The government said that it would turn the primary balance into the black in 2025. He acknowledged that he should not be particular about his goals.