En joggare tar en paus och låter blicken fara över den kilometerlånga minnesmuren vid floden Themsen. En hund drar i kopplet när husse och matte läser de handskrivna hälsningarna till de döda.

”Vi fick aldrig säga hejdå till dig mamma. Älskar dig och saknar dig”, ”Till farmor: Tack för allt”.

Någon har lagt en blombukett vid muren. Ytterligare en färgklick bland allt det röda och rosa.

Höga dödssiffror

The wall received its first hearts in March 2021. Fran Hall and Lynn Jones have been involved from the beginning.

They have both lost their husbands in covid-19 and now they come here every Friday with paint and brushes.

Partly to fill in the faded hearts, partly to paint new ones for those who have died since the last time.

The number of people who died in the UK within 28 days of receiving covid-19 is approaching 160,000. Nearly 180,000 have covid on their death certificate.

"Cursing and upset"

For Fran Hall and Lynn Jones, the memorial wall is a place of sorrow and loss.

But there is something else as well.

Both are angry and disappointed with Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the party culture on 10 Downing Street when the country was shut down.

- We are cursed and upset!

These parties took place while my husband was in the hospital for seven weeks without me being allowed to see him.

The hospital did not allow any visits and we followed the rules while they partyed.

If you have made a mistake, you must admit it and take your responsibility, says Lynn Jones.

- It's disgusting.

These people, the Prime Minister and the people around him, betray our country.

They lied to us and they treated us like idiots.

We want him to resign, says Fran Hall.

Grief has found a home

Opposite the memorial wall, on the other side of the Thames, sits the British Parliament.

- We must make sure that no one forgets what happened.

Our hearts must never fade away, says Fran Hall.

Grief is love that has become homeless.

That's how it is usually hot.

Here at the Memorial Wall in London, grief has found a home.

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“Party Gate” kan bli skandalen Boris Johnson inte kommer lyckas ducka. Foto: Jessica Taylor, Andy Rain/TT