中新社北京2月4日电 (记者 马秀秀)4日晚,2022年北京冬奥会将正式启幕。随着开幕盛典脚步的一步步临近,冬奥氛围感已拉满。中国新闻网联合全球百家华文媒体推出的“冬奥24小时”全球全媒体大型直播正在进行,直播镜头内外,世界各地的华侨华人忆往事、送祝福、话期望。







  According to Ma Junqiang, president of the Canada-China Friendship Association, "simplicity, safety and excitement" shows China's pragmatism, maturity and determination to organize the Winter Olympics under special conditions.

He believes that this Winter Olympics will be a wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding event, and its results will bring the world a very useful experience in hosting major events.

  Gao Jiayi, a doctoral student at the Advanced Institute of Translation and Interpretation of Moscow State University, is a winter sports enthusiast and likes skiing the most.

As a native of Hebei, Gao Jiayi is proud and proud to hold the Winter Olympics at his doorstep.

  "I really look forward to bringing more ice and snow sports into the homes of ordinary people with the coming of the Winter Olympics, so that everyone can feel the fun of flying on ice and snow and constantly challenging their limits." Gao Jiayi said that he hoped Chinese Olympic athletes To achieve better results, newer breakthroughs.

  Sui Xiaofei grew up in Germany, and currently he is mainly for the cooperation between Germany and China in the fields of sports and health care.

As a sports enthusiast, it is a pity not to be able to watch the Winter Olympics, but Sui Xiaofei believes that China, as the host, will provide a safe and fair environment for participating teams.

  Outside the live broadcast, more overseas Chinese cheered for the Beijing Winter Olympics, and the circle of friends of the overseas Chinese became more lively because of the Winter Olympics.

  Overseas Chinese associations planned and held various celebration activities to express the national glory of holding the Winter Olympics and feel the warm atmosphere of ice and snow sports; Melting into the singing; seeing the news about the Beijing Winter Olympics, the overseas Chinese either forwarded or liked it, showing the Winter Olympics complex and pure heart of overseas Chinese sons and daughters.

  Karl Marx, co-chairman of the All-Norway China Peaceful Reunification Promotion Association, recently shared a number of themed photos of the Beijing Winter Olympics in the circle of friends.

One of the photos is of him with his twin grandsons, who are holding the Beijing Winter Olympics mascots Bing Dun Dun and Xue Rong Rong.

He wrote in the circle of friends: "The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is about to open, let's go to the future together." (End)