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Karin Larsson i Partille jobbade hemifrån fredagen 21 januari. Hon satt vid sin dator, när ett högt rullande ljud fyllde rummet hon satt i.

Det är närmare en mil från hennes hus till den plats där sprängningen ägde rum. Vid Angeredskrossen i Gunnilse tar man bland annat tar fram grus, och den här gången hade en planerad sprängning gått helt fel.

- It was a sound I had never heard before, so I was scared, says Karin Larsson.

Significantly exceeded its condition

The maximum vibration for explosions on the crusher must reach 6mm / second according to their condition, this explosion amounted to 10.4 millimeters per second.

Usually, however, the explosions should be a maximum of 4 millimeters per second.

This means that you have greatly exceeded what you are allowed to do.

-I have worked at the environmental administration, with these issues, for 10 years and I have never experienced having these values ​​outside a quarry before, says Carl Forsström environmental inspector at the environmental administration in Gothenburg who is the supervisory authority for Angeredskrossen.

They are taking the incident seriously and are now awaiting the conclusion of the internal report.

SVT Nyheter Väst has compiled around 40 testimonies from social media and complaints that have been sent to the environmental administration in the municipality of Gothenburg and mapped how large an area the blast felt on

(see the clip above


Skanska is investigating the incident

Skanska is now stopping all explosions in the area and conducting an internal investigation.

- We need to turn some stones to find out what it is.

It tends to be a technical miscalculation, says the spokesperson at Skanska Jacob Birkeland.