时空观察丨探索太空新计划 中国如何走更远?





  国家航天局副局长 吴艳华:中国空间站建造全面实施,6名航天员先后进驻,开启了有人长期驻留时代。探月工程“绕、落、回”圆满收官,嫦娥四号首次着陆月背巡视探测,嫦娥五号带回1731克月壤。天问一号实现中国航天从地月系到行星际探测的跨越,在火星上首次留下中国印迹。空间基础设施不断完善,北斗全球卫星导航系统建成开通,高分辨率对地观测系统形成体系能力。






  长春市九台区加工河村五社村民 刘少君:头一天晚上是台风,第二天早上我们书记及时通知到我,如果要是晚发现两三天的话,会导致农作物生芽和霉变,现在把水都及时的排出去了。


  中国航天科技一院703所结构复合材料中心副主任 左小彪:这个结构跟航天非常相近,一个是气动,气动是负责外形的;一个是结构设计,就是做强度保证的。我们有控制,也有制造,最后有检测,和运载火箭体系是完全一样的。


  按照规划,未来,我国要启动一批新的航天重大工程,包括探月工程四期、行星探测工程,同时还要论证实施重型运载火箭等一批重大工程。 探月四期包括嫦娥六号、嫦娥七号和嫦娥八号三次任务,将在未来十年内陆续实施。中国探月工程四期的目标,就是要初步建设国际月球科研站的基本型。




  Regarding the exploration of the sun, the "Xihe" mission to the sky, following the "Chang'e-5" successful lunar sampling return, and the "Tianwen-1" successful "circling, landing, and patrolling" exploration of Mars, a Within a year, the detection of the earth, planets and the star of the sun in the solar system has achieved full coverage.

At present, my country's first solar exploration science and technology experimental satellite "Xihe" has achieved a series of technical and scientific experimental results.

  The "Xihe" satellite is my country's first scientific and technological experimental satellite for solar exploration. After more than three months of on-orbit tests and experiments, the "Xihe" satellite has completed more than 40 technical verifications of the satellite platform and probed the sun. More than 290 images have been taken, and a number of key technologies have been verified. The satellite platform and related payloads work stably and normally, and their functions and performance meet the general requirements for development.

  Zhao Jian, director of the Earth Observation and Data Center of the National Space Administration: In terms of solar scientific exploration, this is the first time in the world that the sun's H-alpha spectral line, the H-alpha band spectral image of the entire solar surface, has been obtained on-orbit.

The H-α spectral line of the sun is the spectral line generated by the electron energy level transition after the interaction between photons and hydrogen atoms.

  Zhao Jian introduced that in the previous observations of the sun, the H-α spectral line could only be detected on the earth, but due to atmospheric disturbances, this data is discontinuous and unstable.

Now, through satellite in-orbit detection, these unstable factors can be removed, high-resolution observation and imaging of the sun can be carried out, and key data can be provided for the study of the dynamic process and physical mechanism of solar eruptions. It is expected to obtain scientific research with international influence. output.