Many Malmö residents were upset when parts of Slottsparken were closed for several months for a commercial light show.

The outrage did not diminish when it was revealed that the company did not have to pay to use the parkland.

The decision was made by municipal officials.

Now the rules have been changed, which Sydsvenskan was the first to tell.

In the future, it is the politicians who will decide.

- I do not say that the decision would have been different if it had been us politicians who made the decision.

This is not about Lumagica, but about the fact that we generally want to decide on the city's strategy when it comes to events, says Andreas Schönström (S), municipal councilor and chairman of the technical committee.

- This application came during the pandemic and we wanted it because it was an event that was outdoors, says Andreas Schönström (S), municipal councilor in Malmö.

Photo: Johan Dernelius / SVT

"Could have been smoother"

He says that those who visited Lumagica were satisfied, but that he received complaints from disappointed Malmö residents that parts of the park had been closed.

– Ansökan kom under pandemin och vi ville ha det eftersom det var ett arrangemang som var utomhus. Med facit i hand kan man konstatera att vissa saker hade kunnat vara smidigare. Till exempel hade alla gångbanor kunnat vara öppna dagtid, när ljusshowen inte var igång.

Förstår kritiken

Andreas Schönström säger att han förstår kritiken som framförts. För honom är själva avstängningen ett större problem än det hyresfria lånet.

– Avstängningen varade också väldigt länge. Hade det handlat om en helg hade folk nog mer kunnat acceptera det.

Han drar paralleller med SVT:s Sommarlov som spelas in i Beijers park.

– Här har vi inte alls samma reaktioner och det beror på att parken är öppen för alla. Det är dessutom gratis för den som vill gå dit och vara med.

Om det blir någon ljusshow nästa vinter vet Andreas Schönström inte.

- The company has so far not returned to us, but Lumagica are warmly welcome back.

But then we have to file a little on the terms, both in terms of suspensions and costs.

We also have to make an evaluation of how the park is doing after the first show.