In India, the number of new coronavirus infections is declining, especially in urban areas, and in the capital city of New Delhi, the ban on going out on weekends has been lifted.

In India, the infection has spread rapidly since the end of last year, mainly in urban areas, and in New Delhi, weekend outings have been banned from the 8th of this month except for medical staff, and restaurants are also open in the store. Has been banned.

Since then, the usage rate of beds for infected people has continued to be less than 20%, and the number of newly infected people has been declining since the end of this month.

In response to this situation, the local government of New Delhi lifted the ban on going out on weekends from the 29th on the 27th, and also allowed the restaurant to operate in the store up to 50% of the audience seats. Was announced.

On the other hand, the ban on going out from 10 pm to 5 am the next day will continue.

However, in India, the center of infection is shifting from urban areas to rural areas, and the number of infected people per day continues to exceed 200,000 throughout the country.