- Yes, I do not want to take the word record in my mouth in that way, but it is a very strong result but it is also a unique situation that we are in, says Lars Mattson, CFO at Region Kalmar County to SVT.

The region mainly points out three reasons for the large surplus.

That the administrations have not suffered as much loss as they did last year, good returns on invested pension capital and, not least, large contributions from the state to handle testing, vaccination and other costs that have arisen as a result of the pandemic.

Good large contributions

Ska man tolka det som att statsbidragen varit mycket större än vad region Kalmar hade behövt?

– Så ska man förstå det. Sen är det svårt att avgöra hur mycket större. Isolerat för 2021 har de riktade bidragen varit bra tilltagna sett till den extrakostnaden som varit. Sen vill jag lyfta fram att vi behöver analysera det efter något eller ett par år, när vi ser hela effekten av pandemin och vilken finansiering vi haft för den, säger Lars Mattsson.

Under 2022 och 2023 kommer de tillfälliga riktade statsbidragen att dras in, fastän pandemins effekter på regionens ekonomi kan komma att ligga kvar i många år framöver, förklarar han.

Ökade kostnader för hyrpersonal

In addition to a positive result, the financial statements show that the health and medical care administration makes a deficit of 183 million, which, however, is a better result than last year.

The costs for hired staff, especially nurses, increased by 5.5 percent or 240 million in 2021.

During the year, Kalmar county traffic KLT lost minus 23 million, which is explained by a loss of revenue during the pandemic that was not replaced by the state.