中新社沈阳1月26日电 题:中华文化凭借什么力量走进世界?


  中新社记者 王景巍







2017年,纽约大都会艺术博物馆举办“秦汉文明”特别展,展出秦始皇陵跪射兵马俑、汉代中山靖王刘胜妻窦绾金缕玉衣等一大批珍贵中国秦汉时期文物。图为一名观众聆听博物馆馆长康柏堂致辞。中新社记者 廖攀 摄


Wu Bin:

The influence of a country's culture on the world largely depends on its comprehensive national strength.

In the history of overseas dissemination of Chinese culture, there have been several very dazzling upsurges in dissemination, each of which had its own reasons and characteristics, but the common characteristics and laws all appeared in the period of China's strong national strength, vast territory and peaceful development.

The Han and Tang Dynasties formed the most powerful empires in Chinese history, and the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties were even more of a global empire. The Eurasian continent had widened traffic, and in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, especially in the prosperous times of Kang and Qian, it reached the final stage of the development of China's feudal society. peak.

The strong national strength led to innovation and progress in various fields of society and culture at that time, and thus the great prosperity and development of culture appeared.

  High potential energy culture attracts the attention of people from all over the world, and they take the initiative to come to China to learn and understand Chinese culture, and actively move closer to an excellent civilization.

From the recipient's point of view, especially when the social and cultural development of the country is undergoing major changes and turbulence, foreign excellent culture can produce great attraction and influence.

For example, only after Japan experienced great reforms, did it gradually transition from a slave society with constant wars, economic backwardness and poor culture to a feudal society.

At this time, the extensive and profound Tang culture had a strong attraction to Japan at that time, and its awareness of actively absorbing Chinese advanced culture became stronger and stronger.

In 1714, a lithograph painted by Ma Guoxian, an Italian missionary from the Qing Dynasty to China, reflecting the scenery of the Chengde Mountain Resort, in the Dresden State Art Collection.

Photo courtesy of China News Agency, Dresden State Art Collection

  Chinese culture is widely spread overseas and has far-reaching influence. From the perspective of Chinese culture itself, there are three main reasons:

  First of all, it is the richness of Chinese culture.

The wisdom contributed by the Chinese nation to human beings is highlighted in the rich products, such as silk, porcelain and tea, which have greatly influenced and changed people's way of life.

From material to spiritual, from production to life, from politics to art, from religion to folklore, all of them spread to overseas more or less, far or near, and have various influences on the cultures of all ethnic groups in the world.

  Second, lies in the openness of Chinese culture.

Looking at the general trend of the development of Chinese culture for thousands of years, openness enables Chinese culture to maintain a sound cultural exchange situation, cultural transmission and import mechanism, and this is the main reason why Chinese culture has strong vitality.

  Finally, it is the advanced nature of Chinese culture.

Before the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, Chinese culture was the most advanced cultural form in the world, attracting overseas attention with its dazzling light.

Taking the Ming and Qing Dynasties as an example, the great European thinkers Voltaire, Diderot, Leibniz and others all expressed their warm praise and admiration for Chinese culture, and believed that "China" was a place they yearned for. "Utopia".

  It should be emphasized that it is often the advanced cultural forms that can spread overseas on a large scale and have an important impact, rather than simple cultural symbols or exotic adjustments and pastimes.

In 1688, the French scholar François Bennier wrote "Introduction to the Analects" for the French royal family, expressing Confucius' thoughts in French for the first time, "I hope to use the wisdom of China to cultivate the political wisdom of young European kings. and morality", hoping that the princes and nobles of France "draw inspiration from it and cultivate a spirit of love, meekness, simplicity and humanity".

The early translation and introduction of The Analects aroused the great attention of French Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire, Montesquieu and Rousseau, and greatly promoted the research upsurge of European scholars on Confucianism and Chinese culture.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Du Yang

China News Service reporter: How do you think Chinese culture has spread beyond the borders, accepted by other nations and transformed creatively to become part of their national culture, and even a part of world civilization?

Wu Bin:

The splendor of Chinese culture radiates from all directions. Through various direct and indirect channels, it is widely spread all over the world, and creatively transformed into the common wealth of all mankind, promoting the progress and prosperity of the cultures of all ethnic groups in the world.

  The prominent position of Chinese culture in the history of world culture lies first and foremost in the inherent creative power and rich connotation of Chinese culture, as well as its brilliant achievements in various fields.

However, a national culture, no matter how rich, advanced, great, and brilliant it was once, if it closes itself off, completely isolates itself from the outside world, and does not communicate with other national cultures, it will not only lose its momentum of development, but it will also be difficult to maintain itself. The vitality of renewal and self-development is also impossible to obtain worldwide cultural value and cultural significance.

Therefore, the prominent position of Chinese culture in the history of world culture lies more in the openness of Chinese culture, in the multi-faceted cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, in the extensive and lasting international spread of Chinese culture and the significant influence it has produced.


位于印尼中爪哇省府三宝垄市区的三保洞郑和庙初建于1434年,重修于1931年,是当地著名的旅游胜地。600多年前,中国明代航海家三保太监郑和7次下西洋,其中曾5次在三宝垄登陆,和当地人民进行友好交流与经贸往来。三宝垄市也因此成为全世界唯一以中国人(三保太监郑和)得名的外国城市。中新社发 冉川 摄




  Since its inception, Chinese culture has had an open, inclusive, and proactive character. While growing itself, it has also continued to expand to surrounding areas, contacting, communicating and integrating with other ethnic cultures.

Early stories such as Shennong, Yao, and Shunnan Fujiaozhi, Jizi's departure to Korea, Zhou Muwang's west hunting, and later Xu Fu's eastward crossing, etc., show that at that time there were already Chinese people who spread the early Chinese culture to foreign countries.

With the development, growth and maturity of Chinese culture itself, with the development of transportation and the expansion of foreign exchanges, the content of Chinese culture to be disseminated overseas has become more abundant, the scope of dissemination has become more extensive, and the impact has become greater and greater. .

The history of Chinese culture spreading overseas has a long history, such as the surging rivers galloping without interruption for thousands of years, and the spread has become wider and wider, the content is richer, and the influence is expanding.

The history of Chinese culture spreading overseas is synchronized with the development history of Chinese culture. While Chinese culture develops its own history, it also contributes to human civilization.


A "Xu Fu Monument" is erected at the northern foot of Mount Fuji in Japan to commemorate the legendary Xu Fu's eastward crossing.

The stele is engraved with a poem by Zhao Puchu chanting Xu Fu: Xu Fu did not come back when he took the chakra, the old Penglai of the three thousand disciples, so far, there are good stories on both sides of the strait, and the calyx city villages have opened one after another.

Based on Japanese research, it is said that in 210 BC, Xu Fu was ordered by Qin Shihuang to lead 3,000 boys and girls to Fusang East to find the elixir of life.

After landing in Japan, Xu Fu traveled to various places, bringing the advanced farming culture of China to the local area, and finally settled at the foot of Mount Fuji.

To this day, the story of Xu Fu is still circulating in many parts of Japan, and there are also those who consider themselves to be his heirs.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Wang Jian

Interviewee Profile:

  Wu Bin, a scholar and researcher of history and culture, served as the vice president of the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences, the president of the Shenyang Palace Museum, the vice president of the China Society for the History of Sino-Foreign Relations, and the vice chairman of the Liaoning Federation of Literary and Art Circles. School Distinguished Professor.

He is mainly engaged in the study of Chinese cultural history and the history of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. He has published dozens of books. In recent years, his main publications include: "Forbidden City Science and Shenyang Forbidden City", "Forbidden City in Shenyang - A Narrative Cultural History", "Silk" "The Complete History of the Road", "The Power of Civilization - The World Influence of Chinese Civilization", "Outline of the Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Culture", "New History of Chinese Culture Overseas Dissemination", etc.