It was in October last year that the young man, according to the suspicion under false names, posted several things for sale on various buying and selling sites on the internet.

These were mobile phones, clothes and even an apartment that is alleged to be for rent.

He got paid by the customers we swish - but most never saw the smoke of any deliveries.

Surprising delivery

Men två personer som trodde sig ha köpt varsin mobiltelefon fick faktiskt ett paket hem på posten – som dock inte alls innehöll vad de förväntade sig. En man som swishat 10 000 kronor fick ett paket läsk och en man som betalat 3150 kronor fick ett paket skorpmjöl. Dessa personer hade nämligen bett att få ett spårnings-ID till paketet eller ett kvitto på att paketet var skickat.

20 minuter efter de 10 000 kronorna skickats till 18-åringens konto gjordes uttag från en uttagsautomat i centrala Helsingborg av en maskerad man.

20 minuter efter att en man swishat 10 000 kronor till den misstänktes konto gjordes uttag från kontot av en maskerad man. Foto: Ur förundersökningen

Försvaret: Lånade ut kontot

The citizen of Helsingfors, whose name is on the swish account, is now being prosecuted for four cases of fraud and one case of petty fraud.

In the alternative, he is charged with money laundering, for having lent his account to someone else who used it for the fraud.

The man, who denies the crime, has himself stated in interrogation that he lent his account, card and passport to a friend during the period when the alleged crimes are said to have taken place, but he does not want to say what the friend's name is.