Text/Wang Enbo

  After the National Bureau of Statistics released the 2021 China's economic report card, various regions have also successively released last year's GDP data.

  Judging from the information that has been made public, the local economy as a whole is recovering steadily.

In particular, Guangdong's total GDP can break into the "top ten in the world" with the strength of a province, and the GDP data of many other provinces have broken through important thresholds in the past year.

Hubei leads the growth rate, 11 provinces outperform the whole country

  In 2021, my country's GDP will be 114.367 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.1% over the previous year at constant prices, achieving the expected economic development target of more than 6% for the year; the average growth rate for the two years is 5.1%.

  China News Agency, China, through the train, checked the official information released by various places and found that as of noon on January 22, 28 provinces had fully or partially released the economic data for 2021.

Among them, the GDP growth rate of 11 provinces and cities exceeded the national level last year.

  Hubei, which was hit hardest by the epidemic, continued to "run" for recovery, with an annual GDP growth rate of 12.9%, ranking first in the country.

Hainan also experienced double-digit growth, followed by 11.2% growth.

Shanxi increased by 9.1%, temporarily ranking third.

  Up to now, the provinces with GDP growth that outperformed the country last year are: Jiangxi (8.8%), Jiangsu (8.6%), Beijing (8.5%), Zhejiang (8.5%), Shandong (8.3%), Anhui (8.3%) , Chongqing (8.3%), Sichuan (8.2%).

Shanghai and Guizhou both increased by 8.1%, the same as the national level.

  Judging from the average growth rate of the two years, the top three with the fastest growth so far are Hainan (7.3%), Shanxi and Guizhou (both 6.3%).

The average growth rate of Hubei in the two years was 3.3%, but it increased quarter by quarter.

The total amount of Guangdong exceeded 12 trillion, surpassing some developed countries

  In terms of total economic output, the top two positions of Guangdong (12.4 trillion yuan) and Jiangsu (11.6 trillion yuan) are still solid.

Among them, Guangdong has become the first and only province with a GDP of 12 trillion in the country.

  What level is 12.4 trillion yuan equivalent to?

Converted at the average annual exchange rate, the total GDP of Guangdong Province last year was about 1.92 trillion US dollars.

This figure is placed in the top ten of all countries and regions in the world in 2020, and is higher than the top ten in Italy ($1.89 trillion), Canada ($1.64 trillion), and South Korea ($1.64 trillion). U.S. dollar) and other developed countries can be called "rich countries."

  Guangdong and Jiangsu are the only two provinces in the country with a total GDP exceeding 10 trillion yuan last year.

Since then, Shandong (8.3 trillion yuan) and Zhejiang (7.35 trillion yuan) have also become their own, and have broken through the 8 trillion and 7 trillion mark for the first time respectively.

Up to now, among the provinces that have published data, the total GDP exceeds the 5 trillion yuan mark, including Henan (5.89 trillion yuan), Sichuan (5.39 trillion yuan), and Hubei (5 trillion yuan). Sichuan and Hubei are the first time Enter the "5 trillion club".

  In 2021, Shanghai and Beijing will also achieve important breakthroughs in total volume.

The total annual GDP of Shanghai and Beijing both exceeded the 4 trillion yuan mark for the first time, and the former reached 4.3 trillion yuan, making it the first two cities in China with a GDP of 4 trillion yuan.

  In addition, Shanxi’s total GDP exceeded the 2 trillion mark for the first time last year, and Gansu reached the trillion level for the first time.

However, among the provinces that have released data, the total GDP of Hainan, Ningxia, Qinghai, and Tibet is still less than 1 trillion yuan.

Responding to shocks, local economies show resilience

  Behind the breakthrough of GDP in many places, it shows the strong resilience of the Chinese economy.

  In Hubei Province, which has been hit hardest by the epidemic, Zhu Hui, director of the provincial statistics bureau, said that in 2021, 39 of Hubei's 41 industrial sectors will achieve positive growth, and the industrial added value will increase by 14.8%; the number of construction projects throughout the year It increased by 30.6%, newly started projects increased by 54.6%, and investment in fixed assets increased by 20.4%; the total number of market entities exceeded 6 million.






A series of indicators fully show that Hubei Province has strong economic resilience, and has achieved decisive results in the post-epidemic recovery. The total ranking has returned to seventh, and development has returned to the "main track".

  The total GDP of Guangdong has been leading the country for more than 30 consecutive years.

Yang Xinhong, director of the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics, said that despite the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in 2020 and 2021 to varying degrees, Guangdong has given full play to the advantages of a relatively complete industrial system, the industrial chain has demonstrated resilience, and maintained stable economic growth, among which the degree of marketization of Guangdong's economy The reasons for the high innovation component of reform and opening up are also the advantages of the system and mechanism.

  "We have seen the economic logic behind the data, the logic of economic growth, and most importantly, the stability of Guangdong's economic resilience," said Yang Xinhong.

After the epidemic, there is a new way behind the quantitative change

  It is worth noting that the post-epidemic recovery in various places is not only a quantitative change, but also a new path.



