The industrialist Carl Bennet, 70 years old, is number 358 on the American Forbes list of the world billionaires.

He is among the ten richest people in Sweden.

He controls five companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and is the main owner of Getinge, which manufactures medical technology products, and the owner of Elanders, Arjo and Lifco AB.

His fortune has grown from SEK 28 billion from March 2019 to SEK 82 billion in January 2022, according to Forbes.

He is the one in Sweden whose wealth has increased the most in percentage terms.

- It is not good when the gaps increase as they presented here.

But if you look at my fortune, it is theoretical and it has taken place in areas that have been close to the pandemic.

We manufacture products that save lives and the outside world has valued this highly, says Carl Bennet.

He continues:

- That wealth has grown among the very richest, it's okay if you have a strong welfare state.

Innovation is so important for development in the world, and also our own country.

But it is important to invest in the welfare state, and Sweden is a role model there.

"Glad if it gets a good value"

Together with Rune Andersson, he bought Getinge from Electrolux in 1989. They ran the company together for almost a decade and then went their separate worlds and Carl Bennet ran the company further.

- I think this is important that this can be developed and then it is gratifying if it gets a good value.

Watch the entire interview with Carl Bennet on SVT Play.