Det nya provtagningssystemet i Blekinge, där man nu ska hämta ut ett testkit från en låda i anslutning till vårdcentral, har fått hamstring av tester som följd. Det är något som Region Blekinge har lagt märke till sedan man bytte provtagningsmetod.

The region is now urging the public to save the tests for those who really need them, ie those who must physically be present at their workplaces to carry out their work.

Otherwise, socially important functions risk suffering in the county, according to the region's e-health strategist Åsa Gyberg-Karlsson.

- Right now we are in such a situation where we have to keep in mind that we should be able to keep society going and then it is the case that only those who have professions when you have to be present, should test themselves.

And that is when they have symptoms, she says.