compulsory vaccination?

Isn't that out of date?

According to the Robert Koch Institute, the highest incidence is found in the five to 14-year-old age group.

However, it is still not primarily young people who are affected by severe courses, but old people.

But this snapshot is deceptive.

As gratifying as it is that despite very high incidences, the number of corona hospital cases is still comparatively manageable, it is to be expected that it will also increase again.

A variant that is apparently not bad in many cases is also tough when it is highly contagious - relatively few cases then become many in absolute numbers.

However, that is no reason to panic or let everything go as it should.

But the community needs to prepare.

If the conscience, which all MPs hopefully always ask, is now being pushed to the fore when it comes to compulsory vaccination, it would be absurd if an unscrupulous (non-)decision came out.

What if not compulsory vaccination?

The old and weak remained unprotected for a long time, and vaccinations for medical staff came late;

Furthermore, Corona, from which young athletes can also suffer for a long time, is by no means like a kind of flu, and full vaccination continues to protect against severe courses to a large extent.

Anyone who is against compulsory vaccination should quickly close the gap in a different way or quickly relieve the burden on the health system – so far there has been no such thing.

It is bigoted how many emphasize the benefits of vaccination for themselves and others, while at the same time rejecting a regulation in this sense.

What about the categorical imperative?

Is it possible that a majority of MEPs actually want everyone to be vaccinated, but still cannot find a majority?

How do you want to convince citizens if you play dead in the Bundestag?

The representative body has yet to earn its name.