Bananer, kaffe, räkost och prinskorv är några av de matvaror som förekommer i Pensionärernas riksorganisations (PRO) prisundersökning 2021. Varje år besöker konsumenter över hela Sverige en eller flera butiker där de antecknar priserna för matvarorna i PRO:s fiktiva matkasse. Nu presenteras resultaten, där den billigaste matkassen kostade 811 kronor och inhandlades på Ica Maxi Kungsbacka i Halland.

According to the survey, Halland is the district with the cheapest food.

The average price of PRO's lunch bag was SEK 907, while in Västerbotten it was SEK 69 more expensive, SEK 976 per lunch bag.

That it is more expensive up north than down west is nothing new according to Ola Nilsson, expert in health and lifestyle issues at PRO.

- We have seen this over the years and it still holds.

Then you can discuss the reasons, but this is how it has looked for quite some time, he says.

Small price difference for home delivery

PRO's price survey was started in 1991. Since its inception, consumers have gone from only recording food prices in physical stores to also include the cost of shopping online.

- Our survey shows that it is more expensive to get the food right to the door.

However, it is very small and the difference was not that big, says PRO's chairman, Christina Tallberg.

Picking up your lunch bag digitally and getting it delivered to your home cost consumers an average of SEK 1,013.

Compared with the average price of SEK 937 for shopping in a store, this means that it is eight percent more expensive to shop online.

If, on the other hand, the consumer chooses to pick up his picked-up grocery bag at the store, the bag became only two percent more expensive.