I onsdags beslutade en enig kommunstyrelse att ge alla vård- och omsorgsanställda i Ängelholm de två extra semesterdagarna.

Totalt berörs cirka 900 anställda.

Syftet är att få medarbetarna att hålla länge, enligt Robin Holmberg (M), kommunstyrelsens ordförande.

– Alla anställda i Ängelholms kommun har gjort fantastiska insatser. Men det här är den grupp som varit mest utsatta, som drabbats av inställda semestrar och hård arbetsbelastning, säger han.

– De har jobbat i full skyddsutrustning i två år och det sliter självklart.

”Viktigt att de kan ta ut dagarna”

The trade union Kommunal in Ängelholm shares the same picture of the situation, but sends with a firecracker.

- They have worked hard and it is positive with extra time off - only they now have the opportunity to take the days out, says Patrick Wetterup, chairman of Kommunal in Ängelholm and Båstad.

- Then there are other groups that are struggling in the pandemic and the question is how to intend to compensate them, he says.

The decision on the extra vacation days was made in full agreement by the municipal board, but ultimately it is the municipal council in Ängelholm that decides the issue.

Only regular staff are covered

Giving 900 employees two days extra leave is estimated to cost the municipality SEK 1.7 million.

Earlier this week, SVT reported that leisure leaders and cultural workers, about 15 employees, are now forced to leave their regular tasks in order to move into elderly care where sick leave is extensive.

Do these 15 people also get two extra vacation days?

- No, they do not.

This is a temporary measure aimed at the regular staff, says Robin Holmberg.