The alarm was received just before 6 pm on Wednesday evening.

When rescue resources from Höganäs arrived at the site, the development of smoke was already strong, but according to the police, neither humans nor animals were left in the building.

No serious injuries have been reported either.

- Someone has inhaled some smoke, but no one has received serious injuries as far as I know, says Ronny Lundgren.

Became too dangerous

Initialt hade räddningstjänsten svårt att lokalisera branden i den rökfyllda herrgården och flera timmar efter att branden startade arbetar de fortfarande i intensiv värme för att försöka rädda byggnaden.

– Vi höll på med inre och yttre släckning fram till midnatt, men till slut vågade vi inte vara kvar där inne. Det var helt enkelt för farligt, säger Ronnie Lundgren.

– Så här gamla hus har en lite annorlunda konstruktion som gör att det kan vara svårt att hitta brandhärdarna. Till slut så brann det mellan innertaket och plåttaket och då fanns det inte mycket vi kunde göra.

”Otroligt sorgligt”

Han säger att räddningstjänsten gjorde sitt yttersta för att rädda Kockenhus.

- It is terrible that such a house will be destroyed.

It feels incredibly sad, not least for the staff who were on site and worked so hard.

It is both the value of the house and the cultural-historical value that is lost.

Cooperation with the South

The fire at Kockenhus required great efforts.

In total, about 30 firefighters from four stations were on site when the rescue work was most intense.

In addition, they received support from colleagues at Räddningstjänst Syd.

- It's not just about this effort, but you have to be prepared to be able to go on other alarms while the extinguishing work is in progress, says Ronnie Lundgren.

The rescue service is still with about ten people until about noon.

There is a bit of extinguishing left to do and then gradually it comes to surveillance.

Police do not suspect any crime in connection with the fire.