Läget inom vården i Sverige är i nuläget ansträngt, vilket bland annat beror på hög sjukfrånvaro. Det sa Thomas Lindén, avdelningschef på Socialstyrelsen, vid en pressträff på torsdagen.

För att minska frånvaron av personal i vården och andra verksamheter under den nu skenande smittspridningen ändrar Folkhälsomyndigheten riktlinjerna för familjekarantän från och med torsdag.

Måste ställa in akut vård

Umeå resident Cecilia Söderqvist and her husband both work as doctors and have been in family quarantine since Wednesday, as their daughter tested positive for covid-19.

And they are not alone in their respective workplaces.

- Many of our colleagues are in home quarantine or ill.

We have had to cancel planned care but also emergency things that can not be done, says Cecilia Söderqvist, who works at the orthopedic clinic in Umeå.

Hope to work again

Now she hopes that the new quarantine rules will mean that more people can return to work.

The employer has not yet issued any directives.

- Now one of us must still be at home with our daughter because she is small, but the other should be able to go back if we do not have symptoms, she says.