A brigade of the 82nd Group Army——

  The "new" wind blows on the training ground in the new year

  People's Liberation Army Daily reporter Han Cheng correspondent Fu Lei Zhang Wenhui

  In the middle of winter, the wind in the hinterland of Yanshan is piercing through the bones.

The reporter walked into the training ground of a brigade of the 82nd Group Army, and saw the camouflage figure jumping and the chariot engine roaring. The brigade's new annual training is in full swing.

  "Win!" The reporter followed the sound and boarded a command car. Company commander Zhao Xiaowei led the accusation team just completed a simulated fire strike training.

The electronic warfare situation map in front of them shows that they have cooperated with multiple arms to strike by virtue of their information advantages, and have "annihilated" all the opposing forces.

  "This is a replay of the lost battle last year." Zhao Xiaowei said that last year they lost because of their weak ability to use information links and insufficient shared battlefield resources.

After thinking through the pain, they focused on how to build a chain and use the network to make up for the shortcomings.

  The leaders of the brigade introduced that at the end of last year, their investigation found that a small number of teams had the phenomenon of going through the motions of the training resumption and putting it aside when encountering difficult problems, which led to some "old accounts" becoming a stubborn training problem.

To this end, the Brigade Party Committee has made up its mind: the new year's training will first "surge" the weak points.

  The reporter looked at the list of questions for the brigade training review and found that from individual soldier training to arms coordination, from equipment upgrades to information transformation, the bottlenecks that restrict the generation of combat effectiveness have been listed one by one.

The brigade leader said: "The process of solving problems is a process of innovation and improvement. Only by filling the capability gap can the transformation and upgrading of military training be comprehensively promoted."

  In the new year, the "new" wind is blowing on the training ground of the brigade.

The reporter saw at a battle planning meeting held in a certain battalion that battalion commander Liu Xucheng organized battle planning, researched and analyzed tactics through the information terminal, but there was no manual sand table or blueprint in the whole process.

  The battalion participated in the cross-regional exercise last year and achieved good results, but it also exposed problems such as the lack of information literacy of the commanders.

Today, they make up lessons in the smoke of gunpowder, and use the new information command platform to conduct research and warfare throughout the process.

  From platoon commander to battalion commander, Liu Xucheng, who has personally experienced the transformation and upgrading of military training, is even more certain: "Training and preparing for war is a process of constant reorganization of knowledge, constant refresh of ideas, and constant subversion of cognition. Only by challenging yourself can you be reborn from the cocoon."

  As the night darkened, the lights of the brigade's officer training center turned on, and the new year's head office rotation training officially started.

Different from the past, the first lesson is the deduction of the operational plan in the joint context.

  The cold wind blows outside, and the discussion inside is lively.

From the ordinary soldier to the head office, the officers and soldiers of the brigade are always sleeping at night and waiting for the day.

Liu Xucheng is full of confidence: "As long as the heart is not slack in winning the battle, there will be no mountains or rivers that cannot be overcome in the construction of combat power."