In his appeal, the legislator recalled that in the fall of 2021, the Pushkin Card project for citizens aged 14 to 22 was launched in Russia.

With this card, young people can visit theaters, museums and other cultural institutions at the expense of the federal budget.

At the same time, as Sukharev noted, another equally important expense for citizens of this age who are preparing to enter universities or are already studying in them and receiving a specialty is the acquisition of educational literature.

According to the deputy, at present, the purchase of specialized literature for the training of future doctors, as well as technical and other specialists, requires significant funds from family budgets, and the cost of one high-quality textbook can reach several thousand rubles.

“In this regard, I ask you to instruct you to consider the possibility of expanding the scope of the Pushkin Map project, including for the purchase of educational, scientific literature, scientific and technical periodicals, etc.,” the text of the appeal says.

Earlier, the State Duma proposed to include children aged three to 14 among the recipients of benefits under the Pushkin Card.