US media: Biden's supporters are "extremely angry" this year

  Just over a year ago, millions of dynamic young people, women, voters of color and independent voters joined forces to Send Biden to the White House.

But 12 months into his presidency, many say the coalition is in crisis.

Leading voices across Biden's political base have publicly condemned his slow progress on key campaign promises.

That disappointment has been especially evident over the past week, as Biden's push for suffrage legislation has virtually stalled.

Data map: US President Biden attends an event at the White House.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Chen Mengtong

  "People feel like they're getting less than what they asked for when they put Biden in the White House," said Quentin Wortham-Okama, director of the Young Democrats of America. Good mood. I don't know if 'extremely angry' or 'depressed' is the right word. We were disappointed. We didn't get the results we wanted."

  The report pointed out that at present, almost all the organizations that contributed to Biden's 2020 election are dissatisfied.

  Young is reportedly disappointed that he has not delivered on his promises to fight climate change and student debt.

Women fear his plans to expand family care leave, childcare and universal pre-school education have been put on hold as abortion rights erode and schools struggle to stay open.

Moderates in both parties have welcomed Biden's centrist stance, but now they worry that Biden is leaning too far to the left.

Voters of color are outraged that he hasn't done more to protect their right to vote.

  "We need transformative change -- our lives depend on that," Rep. Corey Bush, a Missouri Democrat, told The Associated Press. "We're frustrated that we haven't seen these results... Our needs and our lives are still not at the top of the President's agenda. That needs to change."

  The president's approval ratings in nearly every group have fallen as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to rage, inflation soars and most of the president's campaign promises are not fulfilled, according to polls released last month by the Center for Public Affairs Research.

  The report pointed out that in December last year, about 70% of black Americans said they supported Biden, compared with 90% in April last year.

Among Hispanics, Biden's approval rating fell from 70 percent to about 50 percent.

  Also, only half of women supported Biden last month, compared with about two-thirds last spring.

  A similar drop in support for Biden was reported among younger voters.

Among independents, only 40 percent supported Biden's party in December, down from 63 percent in April.

  Charlie Sykes, a Republican who supported Biden and opposed Trump in 2020, said that unless Biden can shift the Democratic tone to the middle when it comes to issues of public safety, crime and voting, the president also has Possibly lose moderate voters in both parties.