Guangdong research team confirms that the new treatment mode of stage III non-small cell lung cancer is effective, and the risk of cancer progression in

  patients is reduced by 36%

  Guangzhou Daily News (all media reporter He Xuehua correspondent Hao Li, Zhang Lanxi, Jin Ting) Which type of lung cancer is the most difficult to treat?

Phase III!

Because most of the tumors are unresectable, and the patient's tolerance and effect of radiotherapy and chemotherapy are also poor, lung cancer doctors recognize that stage III lung cancer is the most complicated and requires the most comprehensive treatment.

  As one of the most rapidly developing new anti-cancer methods in the past 5-10 years, can immunotherapy be added?

At 7:00 on January 15, the GEMSTONE-301 study, designed and carried out by Professor Wu Yilong, chief expert of Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital and honorary director of Guangdong Lung Cancer Research Institute, was officially published in the journal "The Lancet-Oncology". The results can be called a "final decision", confirming that PD-L1 as a consolidation therapy for patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer after radiotherapy and chemotherapy has superior efficacy and good safety.

  This new model of proven effective treatment is expected to be written into relevant clinical guidelines in my country as early as the first half of this year, to meet the urgent treatment needs of patients with unresectable stage III disease.

  Of all lung cancer patients, 80-85% are non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), 1 in 4 patients with non-small cell lung cancer are in stage III (also known as intermediate stage) at the time of diagnosis, and most tumors are unresectable, that is, without surgery Chance.

  "Early lung cancer is mainly treated by surgery, and advanced lung cancer is mainly treated by drugs." I believe many people know it, but what about the mid-term?

Even lung cancer doctors say it is very complicated and difficult to treat.

  In 2017, the PACIFIC study, an international multi-center clinical trial, was released, which proved for the first time that the addition of immunoconsolidation therapy after concurrent chemoradiotherapy can significantly improve the survival rate of patients with unresectable stage III non-small cell lung cancer, which is called stage III. A "tsunami" of NSCLC treatment.

The results of this study changed the standard treatment mode of inoperable locally advanced lung cancer, from the original concurrent chemoradiotherapy to concurrent chemoradiotherapy + immunoconsolidation therapy, and soon changed the clinical practice.

  Because there is no basis for suffering, in my country, up to 70% of stage III patients who choose chemotherapy and then radiotherapy due to tolerance problems cannot receive immunoconsolidation therapy.

This is a very urgent question.

  In 2018, Professor Wu Yilong's team designed and carried out the world's first randomized, multicenter, double-blind phase III clinical study GEMSTONE-301 to explore concurrent chemoradiotherapy and sequential chemoradiotherapy followed by immunoconsolidation therapy. In patients with stage III NSCLC after sequential chemoradiotherapy, PD-L1 inhibitors have superior efficacy and good safety as consolidation therapy.

  A total of 381 patients from 50 centers were included in the study, and the study treatment duration was set for 2 years.

The study found that patients with either concurrent or sequential chemoradiotherapy had a 36% lower risk of cancer progression under the protection of immune consolidation.