Zhengzhou: According to the pilot situation, the city will promote free HPV vaccination of school-age girls next year

  Recently, Zhengzhou City, the capital of Henan Province, disclosed the pilot and promotion plan of free vaccination of HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine for girls of school age.

  On January 14, Zhengzhou's 12345 government service convenience hotline responded to netizens' inquiries about "when will Zhengzhou be able to vaccinate girls 13-18 for free with HPV vaccine".

The convenience hotline said that after checking the problems reported by netizens, it will immediately transfer it to the Zhengzhou Municipal Health Commission for processing and implementation, and the response has now been completed.

  According to the introduction of Zhengzhou 12345 government service convenience hotline, in early 2021, the National Love and Health Office launched the selection of pilot cities for the Healthy China Action Innovation Model.

Recommended by the Henan Provincial Office of Ai and Health, and based on the actual situation of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou was selected by the National Ai and Health Office and the Health China Action Promotion Office as one of the first 15 pilot cities for the Healthy China Action Innovation Model on March 23, 2021.

  Zhengzhou 12345 Government Service Convenience Hotline said that in light of the actual situation in Zhengzhou and drawing on advanced experience from other places, Zhengzhou will implement the vaccination plan step by step according to grades. In 2022, Xinmi City will be selected to carry out a pilot project, and first-year girls in junior high school will be selected as vaccination targets.

The municipal health department is responsible for organization and coordination, technical support, vaccination and target implementation; the municipal women's federation is responsible for the "two cancers" screening organization launch, publicity and mobilization, and do a good job in the relief work of the two cancers for the poor women in the sunshine mothers of Henan Province; the municipal finance department Good financial security and performance appraisal; the education department is responsible for the publicity and mobilization of HPV vaccine for school-age girls in school, providing detailed information and organizing the vaccination targets; Zhengzhou Red Cross and Charity Federation are responsible for helping poor patients.

According to the pilot situation, it will be promoted in the city in 2023.

  Earlier, Henan local media "Dahe News" client reported that Zhengzhou will launch a pilot program of free HPV vaccine vaccination for school-age girls.

  According to the report, at the "two sessions" in Henan Province in 2022, Ma Feiying, a member of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, and a number of members jointly submitted to the conference "Proposal for Continuing to Promote Henan Province's Free HPV Bivalent Vaccination for Girls aged 9 to 14".

Among them, it is suggested that the Henan government department will fund the best vaccination group for all women of school age, especially girls aged 9-14, to inject the vaccine free of charge.

  Ma Feiying revealed that in 2022, Zhengzhou City will seize the opportunity of the first 15 pilot cities of the Healthy China Action Innovation Model to carry out a baseline survey of age-appropriate women in the city, and determine the first batch of pilot counties (cities) for cervical cancer vaccine. First-year girls in the pilot areas carry out free vaccinations.

  The report also disclosed some difficulties encountered in the promotion of vaccines: the relevant documents of the Henan Provincial Health and Health Commission show that the main difficulty at present is that the funds required for free vaccination are large and financial guarantees are difficult.

The commission and the provincial finance department have calculated the required funds and vaccine supply.

At present, the domestic bivalent cervical cancer vaccination price in Henan is 351 yuan/injection, and the imported bivalent and quadrivalent inoculation prices are 602 yuan/injection and 820 yuan/injection respectively. It is estimated that the domestic bivalent and imported bivalent and quadrivalent vaccination costs will reach 3.1 billion, 5.3 billion, and 10.9 billion respectively, and the demand for funds is large.

  Cervical cancer is the main "killer" that threatens women's health.

According to the "Global Cancer Statistical Report" released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), there will be nearly 110,000 new cervical cancer cases and about 59,000 deaths in China in 2020.

  Studies have shown that persistent infection of high-risk HPV is a necessary condition for the occurrence of cervical cancer, among which HPV types 16 and 18 cause more than 70% of cervical cancers.

The HPV vaccine can block the persistent infection of high-risk HPV, thereby effectively reducing the incidence of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions. The promotion of HPV vaccination among the appropriate age groups is an effective measure to prevent cervical cancer.

  The National Health and Medical Commission previously stated that my country will fully support the "Global Strategy to Accelerate the Elimination of Cervical Cancer" proposed by the World Health Organization.

The "Strategy" makes it clear that by 2030, 90% of girls in the world will be vaccinated against HPV before the age of 15, and the goal of eliminating cervical cancer will be achieved globally through three-level prevention and treatment pathways, including vaccination, screening and treatment.

WHO recommends that pre-adolescence, that is, 9 to 14 years old, is the best age for HPV vaccination. The National Health Commission recommends that the primary target group for vaccination is girls aged 13 to 15 years old according to my country's national conditions.

  According to CCTV.com, since the second half of 2021, many provinces across the country have gradually promoted the strategy of universal HPV vaccination for women of appropriate age: Guangdong Province plans to add about 600 million yuan for free HPV vaccination in 2022-2024, and 2022 Starting from 2020, free vaccination will be implemented for girls under the age of 14 who have a student status in Guangdong Province and who have newly entered the first grade of junior high school and have not been vaccinated against HPV vaccine since September; It is proposed to "encourage qualified areas to focus on promoting HPV vaccination with girls aged 9-15 in school". Lianyungang City's free HPV vaccination for eighth-grade girls has now been fully launched; in November 2021, Jinan City, Shandong Province Start free HPV vaccination for school-age girls, targeting seventh-grade girls under the age of 15 in school; Ordos City, Inner Mongolia will start free HPV vaccination for school-aged women aged 13-18 in 2021; Chengdu, Sichuan Province, for 13-14-year-old school students Female students are generally vaccinated against HPV.