Alexandra's longing for children became stronger over the years, in the end she stood in line to get donated sperm and help from the care in Östergötland.

- Many go to Denmark, or go to private clinics when they want children, but for me it felt right to turn to public care.

Since 2016, single women in Sweden can receive help with donation treatment, something more and more people are using.

Can still get a svensson life

Alexandra Rolf is only 33 years old.

She did not want to wait too long, which also gives her the opportunity to have more children.

That she has had children even though she does not have a partner is not because she distances herself from the "normative" life with couple relationships and tacos on Fridays:

- I also dream of a Svensson life but I just did not want to take the risk of not having time to become a parent.

In the video, she tells more about why she chose to have children on her own.