By the middle of the legislative period, the Ampelkoalition wants to have done what Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann is promoting as the greatest reform of family law in recent decades: new, state-recognized forms of partnership, plus changes in adoption and civil status law, not to mention decisions on biopolitical issues Iron such as surrogacy, egg donation and the abolition of the advertising ban on abortion.

This schedule is supported by the fact that most of these projects have little financial impact.

Lengthy negotiation processes are hardly to be expected in this field.

The very broad social approval that the FDP minister claims for the traffic light agenda is likely to be a little different.

Now it is not the case that everything that is given to other forms of life than classical marriage has to be automatically taken for it.

Neither financially nor symbolically, recognition questions are zero-sum games.

But Buschmann himself knows that new solutions will also result in new problems.

Not to downplay them, but to consider them as thoroughly as possible, especially with a view to the child's well-being, could very well upset the extremely ambitious schedule.