Sidney Poitier, who was a pioneer of black actors, has passed away, including being the first black man to win the Best Actor Award at the Academy Awards, which is considered to be the highest honor in the American film industry.

I was 94 years old.

Sidney Poitier was born in Florida, southern United States, and grew up in the Atlantic island nation of the Bahamas.

Returning to the United States, he began his career as an actor. Won the award.

As the civil rights movement for the elimination of black discrimination continued in the United States, he appeared in many movies, and in the "In the Heat of the Night" released in 1967, the murder case that occurred in the southern part of the United States where black discrimination was intense. The film won an Academy Award for Best Picture, playing an investigative detective.

In 2009, Poichie, who continued to play an active role as a pioneer of black actors, was awarded the highest honor given to civilians by the then President Obama, the "Medal of Freedom."

According to the Bahamas Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Poichie died on the 6th.

I was 94 years old.