A patient with home care in a municipality in the county had difficulty swallowing his painkillers.

The nurse in charge then contacted the local health center to get the medicine in liquid form instead.

A consultant doctor, who according to the lex Maria report has described his day as very stressful, then made the mistake of prescribing a force that was ten times too high.

Could have been life threatening

This led to the patient receiving the overdose of the analgesic medication on two occasions.

The mistake was discovered by a nurse in home care.

The patient was then tired, with indistinct speech and his breathing was also affected.

An ambulance was called and the patient was treated with Naloxone and oxygen and then taken to hospital.

The patient has not received any permanent injuries after the incident.

However, the lex Maria report states that if the patient had received additional doses on the same day, the risk of progressive respiratory depression would have been imminent, something that could have led to unconsciousness and thus a life-threatening condition.