Europe 1 10:45 a.m., December 26, 2021

Invited Sunday of the Great Meeting, Cardinal Robert Sarah returned to sexual violence in the Church.

On November 5, after the publication of the Sauvé commission report, the French Bishops' Conference admitted the "systemic dimension" of this violence.

But the doctrine is not in question, assures the prelate.


330,000 victims abused in France, 3,000 predatory priests ... The publication of the Sauvé report undoubtedly had the effect of a bomb within the Church.

On November 5, the French Bishops' Conference admitted the "systemic dimension" of this violence.

And all over the world, it is time for Catholics to examine their conscience.

But is the doctrine of the Church in question?

Should we review the status of priests, for example?

No, answers Cardinal Robert Sarah, guest on Sunday of the Great Rendezvous.


Pedocriminality in the Church: creation of a recognition and reparation commission

"A priest who abuses a child moves away from his priestly identity. It is because his life is no longer irrigated by faith. God is no longer present in his faith. If he commits such crimes. is that God is absent in his life. It is not a question of Church structure. The man who commits such crimes is solely responsible for his act. It is he who must answer for his actions. We cannot accuse the structure, nor the dogma, nor the doctrine. The doctrine is a way which leads us, which leads man towards God ", defends the cardinal.

What to answer to the disappointed Catholic faithful? 

For Robert Sarah, priests must realize what their place and role in the Church mean.

"It is not because they say 'Lord, Lord' that they are going to go to heaven. To profess faith is to put God in your heart, in your life, in your action.

But what to answer to the faithful disappointed by the Church, even disgusted or terrified by the very status of priest, weakened by these accusations?

"You have to look at Jesus, he is not the man to look at. I can be a poor priest. Because I am weak, I have lost my identity. You must not follow me. Jesus, he is our model, the perfect model, the perfect man ", replies the prelate.

Before concluding: "Let us read his Gospel. And let us also pray".